Get in contact with us
01. What are the opening times of KVT-Fastening GmbH Asten?
The opening times in Asten are 7am - 12pm and 12:30pm – 5pm.
02. Is there any company holiday taking place at KVT-Fastening GmbH?
Yes, we have a company holiday between Christmas and New Years.
03. Which shipping and handling charges are charged at KVT-Fastening GmbH and how high are they?
Shipping is basically done from the warehouse in Asten. Transport costs will be charged a flat rate to the current valid sets of KVT-Fastening GmbH. There is a handling fee of € 4,- for packaging and disposal which will be charged for every delivery. Special arrangements must be agreed in writing.
04. How are invoices delivered?
Up to a total weight of 100 kg - 150 kg and depending on the number of packages you receive your order will be sent with the GLS parcel service.
05. How long does it take till I receive an ordered article?
In general, your order will be shipped within 24 hours (if the items is on stock). For deliveries to CEE countries, the delivery time (depends on the distance) takes 1-3 days from the receipt of order.
06. Is there any minimum ordering-volume?
Upon dropping below a minimum net value of EUR 100,- we charge a handling expense of EUR 15, -. This does not apply to our E-Shop.
07. Do you have sales representatives? Who is available or responsible for me?
Yes, the KVT-Fastening GmbH has sales representatives. Please call the headquarters for further information:
Austria +43 732 257700
Slovakia +42 1911102510
Slovenia +38 12808019
Czech Republic +42 547125200201
Hungary +36 17690925
Poland +48 587621780
Romania +40 371381155
Solutioneering describes the quality and the process of our customer service. Customers receive advice and specific knowledge from our experienced inside and outside sales employees.
Efficient and secure solutions are generated, even for complicated problems.
09. What can I do, if my questions were not answered with the previous FAQs?
In this case, consult our sales staff by phone or on-site to assist you in the selection of the optimal solution. This link will take you directly to the contact details.